You can see Am demo on guitar or you might as well see it on a bouzouki (traditional 3-String) here. However, you might also like this on a piano or a 4-String bouzouki... Or anything else with strings!
The scales demo can be found here. Again, you can try various instruments like bouzouki. Enjoy!
NEW: Tuner
In order to experiment with the new JS audio API, a simple tuner has been created here
Code examples
Curious about how the demo works? Well... it is simple, 15 lines of code:
1. Parse parameters
var qString = C.Util.getQueryString();
var pos = (qString.pos!==undefined) ? parseInt(qString.pos)-1 : 0;
var inst = qString.inst;
var cname = qString.chord;
2. Create the correct instrument and chord!
chord = C.Chord.byString(cname) switch (inst) { case "Guitar": inst = new C.Guitar(); break; case "Bazooka": inst = new C.Bazooka(); break; case "Bazooka4": // Let's change a bit the tuning and strings inst = new C.Bazooka({strings:["C","F","A","D"], maxFretSpan: 4}); break; case "Piano": inst = new C.Piano(); break; default: }
3. and finally, plot it:
inst.mapChord(chord); inst.diagram(pos,C.DomUtil.get('diagram'),{}); updateCount();
Well, few more things may be going on but are all for the GUI and nothing complicated, example:
function onSelChange(){ var s1=C.DomUtil.get('allNotes') var s2=C.DomUtil.get('allTypes') s1.disabled=true; s2.disabled=true; window.history.pushState("", "", window.location.href.replace(/chord=[^&]+/, "chord="+escape(s1.value)+escape(s2.value))); chord.setRoot(s1.value); chord.setType(s2.value); C.DomUtil.empty(C.DomUtil.get('diagram')) inst.mapChord(chord); inst.diagram(0,C.DomUtil.get('diagram'),{}); s1.disabled=false; s2.disabled=false; updateCount(); updateInfo(); }
How can I add a new instrument?
One can always create a "customized" guitar to experiment with, however, creating a new new instrument is very easy. Looking into jsChords/src/instruments/Guitar.js:
C.Guitar = C.IStringInstrument.extend({
options: {
numFrets: 12,
name: "Guitar",
description: "This is A guitar!",
strings: ["E", "A", "D", "G", "B", "e"],
// Playable? parameters
hasBar: true,
ignoreTone0: true,
maxPlayableTones: 4,
maxFretSpan: 4
Each instrument supports the following options/attributes:
- name: Instrument name
- description: Instrument description - not used atm
- strings: Defines the number and tuning of strings
- numFrets: The number of frets to be considered when generating chords
- maxPlayableTones: How many fingers can be used on the fretboard
- maxFretSpan: How many frets can a chord span
- hasBar: If the instrument supports bar chords
- ignoreTone0: Assume that 0 is open
Starting with the Guitar file as base, copy/paste it, rename and customize. Your new instrument is ready!
Documentation is generated with jsduck and can be found online here.